DWI Crimes in Manchester
According to the Manchester police website, the crime rate in the city of Manchester is on the decline. In 2012, for example, the total number of property crimes reported in the city was 3,941. This is an 8.6% decline from the 4,311 crimes reported in 2011. In an effort to further reduce the crime rate, police constantly patrol for signs of criminal activity. One criminal offense that law-enforcement patrol heavily for is driving while intoxicated or DWI. In New Hampshire, a person can be charged with DWI for operating a vehicle with an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more or while under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or drug that impairs the driver's ability to operate a vehicle.
A DWI charge is a serious offense and can result in many penalties. Even a first-time offense can result in a fine at least $500, 9 months to 2 years of driver's license suspension and class B misdemeanor charges. Additionally, an offender may need to complete an impaired driver intervention program and possibly even alcohol or drug counseling. If you have been arrested for suspicion of DWI in Manchester, call a DWI defense attorney right away to find out about how you can fight your charges and avoid these penalties.
Manchester DWI Offenses
First DWI: A driver with no prior convictions in the last 7 years will be charged as a first time DWI offender. Even drivers with clean criminal and driving records can find themselves facing license suspension and other consequences at the result of a DUI conviction.
Repeat DWI: When a person is charged with DWI in Manchester, police will look into their criminal records to see if they have had any prior DWI convictions in the past 7 years. For every prior conviction, an offender will be subject to steeper penalties.
Per se DWI: Anyone who is found by police driving a boat or vehicle with an alcohol concentration over the legal limit in Manchester can be charged with per se DWI. In New Hampshire, the legal BAC limit for adults is 0.08 and for juveniles is 0.02.
Drug DWI: Just like alcohol, drugs can led to DWI charges as well. Any drug including illegal, prescription and over the counter can result in a DWI charge when it is found to impair a driver's ability to operate a vehicle.
Commercial DWI: New Hampshire DWI laws are very strict for CDL drivers. Even a first time conviction can result in at least 1 year of license suspension. For anyone who relies on their commercial license for their occupation, this could mean an end to their career.
Juvenile DWI: In the state of New Hampshire, any driver under the legal drinking age of 21 will be subject to a lower legal blood alcohol concentration of 0.02. Under this law any underage driver can be charged with DWI for operating a vehicle with this alcohol concentration, impairment does not need to be shown.
DWI Accidents: There are several ways that an accident involving drugs or alcohol can result in a criminal charge. If bodily injury is involved, the driver may be charged with aggravated DWI. If a death is involved, they may face charges for negligent homicide which is a felony offense.
Manchester DWI Defense Lawyer
If you are facing DWI charges in Manchester, contact Russman Law now. Attorney Russman has the education and DWI knowledge to make him one of New Hampshire's premier defense lawyers. He has received ABA-recognized DUI Board Certification and the author of 2 DWI defense books.
Only an experienced attorney such as Ryan Russman will know how to look at your case from every angle in order to build the strongest defense possible. If you are looking to hire the best legal defense for your Manchester DWI case, look no further than Russman Law.
Manchester, NH Criminal Courts
In New Hampshire, DWI cases are heard in Superior and District Courts. In Manchester, these courts are located at the addresses listed below. For more information on DWI Courts, contact an experienced attorney.
Hillsborough County Superior Court North
300 Chestnut Street
Manchester, NH 03101
Clerk : John Safford
Phone : 1-855-212-1234
Hours : Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
9th Circuit Manchester Division District Court
35 Amherst Street
Manchester, NH 03101
Justice : Hon. William H. Lyons
Justice : Hon. John C. Emery
Justice : Hon. Gregory E. Michael
Circuit Clerk : Mary Barton
Associate Clerk: Katie Tripp
Phone : 1-855-212-1234
Hours : Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm