DWI and Endangering a Minor in New Hampshire
Attorney Russman explains how driving while intoxicated with a minor in the vehicle can result in several charges in New Hampshire.
Attorney Russman explains how driving while intoxicated with a minor in the vehicle can result in several charges in New Hampshire.
Defense Attorney Ryan Russman explains how a driver can be charged with aggravated DWI in New Hampshire for speeding while driving impaired.
New Hampshire DWI lawyer Ryan Russman talks about what charges a driver who has an extremely high BAC can expect to face and why.
Many criminal offenses in New Hampshire, such as DWI, can result in a suspended sentence. Find out more about what exactly this term means and how it may apply to your case.
By 2015, federal agencies are looking to reduce the number of drugged driving fatalities by 10%. Find out how this could affect DWI laws and enforcement in New Hampshire.
DWI lawyer Russman discusses an article where New Hampshire law enforcement say that they are opposed to a new bill which would allow first time offenders to get limited licenses.
NH attorney Russman talks the multiple charges that can accompany a hit-and-run accusation.
New Hampshire DWI lawyer Ryan Russman talks about some recent cases where driver have faced serious penalties for aggravated DWI charges in the state.
A look at the meaning of BAC and why .08 was adopted as the legal limit for alcohol levels for New Hampshire DWI laws.
A look at 24/7 alcohol monitoring as a penalty for DWI and its feasibility to be adapted in New Hampshire and other states throughout the US.
A look at how New Hampshire DWI sentencing guidelines and laws stack up against the laws of other states.
New Hampshire DWI lawyer Russman discusses a recent study that found that states with more DWI related laws have lower traffic fatality rates.
An analysis of what methods are currently used to evaluate drug related DWI suspects in New Hampshire and throughout the country as well as what challenges detection poses.
A drug DWI offense is a serious charge and can lead to long-term negative consequences. Take a look at how drugged driving laws in New Hampshire compare to those of other states.
Learn more about underage DWI laws in New Hampshire as well as what some groups propose can be done to reduce the number of teens who drink and drive.
A look at the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN) test and how it can be challenged in a New Hampshire DWI case.
New Hampshire DWI defense attorney Ryan Russman explains how a DWI can have a negative impact on your career or lead to dismissal from your position.
Attorney Russman talks about a recent case where a man was arrested for DWI even though he tested clean for alcohol and drugs and how this may be possible in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire DWI lawyer Ryan Russman talks about the research being done to build a device that can be installed in all vehicles and can read drivers’ BAC before they start the engine.
New Hampshire DUI lawyer Ryan Russman talks about a recent study that suggests that drugged DUI cases are on the rise and will continue to be a problem unless something is done to stop it.
DWI attorney Ryan Russman talks about a bill that was recently passed by the House that would allow first time DWI offenders to get restricted licenses in order to commute to school, work and medical treatment.
Ryan Russman reveiws how New Hampshire’s DWI laws stack up against other states according to anti-drunk driving group MADD.
A look at how today’s law regarding DWI checkpoints in came to be in New Hampshire as well as why DWI roadblock laws are still debated in the U.S.
NH DWI attorney Russman explains a case of alleged police brutality against a suspect. If a person feels that they are mistreated in anyway during their arrest process, they should make sure their DWI attorney is aware of this right away.
A woman in New Hampshire is facing charges for DWI after she was seriously injured in an accident involving a moose.