The Long Term Effects of a NH DWI Conviction
Find out more about how a New Hampshire DWI can affect you in the long run including a conviction’s influence on insurance rates, school eligibility and even your career.
Find out more about how a New Hampshire DWI can affect you in the long run including a conviction’s influence on insurance rates, school eligibility and even your career.
Attorney Russman explains how driving while intoxicated with a minor in the vehicle can result in several charges in New Hampshire.
Defense Attorney Ryan Russman explains how a driver can be charged with aggravated DWI in New Hampshire for speeding while driving impaired.
According to Prevention Morbidity and Mortality and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports, car wrecks are the top cause of death within the U.S. for people beneath age 24. Of these deaths, over 40% are alcohol-associated. Accidents that are alcohol-associated are so prevalent, that ...
New Hampshire DWI lawyer Ryan Russman talks about what charges a driver who has an extremely high BAC can expect to face and why.
Many criminal offenses in New Hampshire, such as DWI, can result in a suspended sentence. Find out more about what exactly this term means and how it may apply to your case.
Have you ever wondered, after an evening out to dinner with friends, what your Blood Alcohol Content, or BAC is? Does it cross your mind, as you’re getting into your car after beers while watching the game? Do you wonder how long it will take to feel the effects of that drink you just finished? Once the effects do kick in, how bad will they be? How long will they last?
It's a question we all dread, in a situation to which none of us look forward. Police officers are notorious for and have undergone hours of training in convincing people to incriminate themselves. You often feel that you might just be able to talk you...
Divorce can be an expensive process. On an ever-increasing basis, especially since the downturn in the economy and it’s painfully slow climb out of the depths, I see families coming into my office to discuss divorce when their financial troubles are so overwhelming that I simply cannot ignore their situation.
I have to admit, I do check in with various blogs on a weekly basis. One of the ones I read is a divorce blog for divorcing parents. Topics like separate child rearing, co-parenting and assimilation of new spouses/partners are often covered.
If you have a potential personal injury claim in New Hampshire, make sure that you are represented by the most skilled trial lawyers available. Contact Ryan Russman at Russman Law today to schedule a free case review. He will go over the facts of your case with you and outline any possible claims you may have.
Mediation and collaborative divorce are two ways for New Hampshire couples to settle their divorces without resorting to litigation. For more information, contact a NH divorce lawyer at Russman Law.
A look at how a collaborative divorce can prevent couples from having to feel like they must fight each other to get what they want. For more information on collaborative divorces in New Hampshire, call Russman Law.
By 2015, federal agencies are looking to reduce the number of drugged driving fatalities by 10%. Find out how this could affect DWI laws and enforcement in New Hampshire.
Negligent homicide is an extremely serious charge, so it is important to make sure that you have an experienced attorney on your side. For more information on negligent homicide charges and how you can fight them, contact a New Hampshire DWI attorney right away.
There are several ways that a couple can precede with a divorce settlement in New Hampshire. For more information on any of these including collaborative divorce, contact Russman Law today.
Injury attorney Russman describes types of bicycle accidents and how victims in New Hampshire can seek compensation for their injuries.
Ligated Divorce can be very hard on parties and their families. In order to save money, time and stress, anyone divorcing in New Hampshire should consider alternative divorce methods such as Collaborative Divorce.
Parties who are considering divorce in New Hampshire should be aware of all of their options. Find out more about the benefits of using Collaborative Divorce.
New Hampshire Divorce Attorney Connolly talks about how divorce support groups like First Wives World recommends parties consider Collaborative Divorce.
If you are facing divorce in New Hampshire and are concerned about how it will impact your child and your future relationship with them, contact Russman Law to speak to an attorney about the benefits of Collaborative Divorce.
The international Association for Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA) has announced that Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education (MCLE | New England) received three of only 15 awards granted to competitors representing more than 300 CLE organizations. One of the awards went to a new book titled, Collaborative Law: Practice and Procedures, First Edition © 2014 by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc., Boston.
New Hampshire Divorce attorney Connolly talks about why a Collaborative Divorce can save time and money. For more information on Collaborative Law, contact Russman Law today.
A look at how truck accidents are caused and what kind of truck accident injuries may be eligible for compensation in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire injury attorney Ryan Russman talks about recently released carbon monoxide death data and how consumer products can be dangerous to users. If you have lost a loved one after a CO poisoning accident, call Russman Law to find out more.