Driver Under 21 Found Not Guilty After NH DWI Charge
Pete was under the age of 21 when charged with a DWI. For drivers under the age of 21, a DWI conviction could mean an extended period of ALS, or several other types of punishments that follow them throughout their lives. As a renowned NH DWI lawyer, Ryan has a history of obtaining the best DWI case results possible for his clients—including those under 21. He often explains how evidence obtained from various devices, like Intoxilyzers, can be challenged by looking at who administered the test and how it was administered. The officer administering an Intoxilyzer must follow specific procedures and have had detailed training for the results to be dependable. It is within your rights to refuse an officer's request to perform one of these tests. Ryan advised Pete client to testify that he refused taking a blood alcohol breath test at the time of arrest because he had reason to distrust the machine and the officer operating it.
Result: Not guilty.