
What to Expect: Working with Your DWI Attorney

Posted by Ryan Russman | Oct 28, 2013 | 0 Comments

Once you have chosen an attorney, be prepared to answer a lot of questions.  Your attorney and his staff will need to know every detail about what happened when you were arrested, prior to your arrest, and after you were arrested. They may ask personal questions about your past, as it pertains to your current case.  In some instances, they may need to know things in anticipation of what the prosecution will do to try to convict you.

Always cooperate with your attorney. If they need you to go to the scene with an investigator or provide them with a witness list, be willing to do it – and do it promptly.

Your Attorney's Responsibility
Your attorney should spend a great deal of time reviewing the facts and evidence in your case. He or she will notify you of upcoming hearings, motions and required court appearances. The attorney will tell you whenever anything happens or changes in your case. However, your attorney is not required to take your daily calls when you just want an update, and your attorney is not the person to whom you should turn for the emotional support you need to get through the case.  Let your attorney work for you, but do not become a nuisance.

Trust Your Attorney
Once you have hired your attorney, trust him or her to work on your case effectively. If you think something has gone wrong, you always have the right to dismiss your attorney and hire a different one. Your attorney should not attempt to talk you into pleading guilty or not guilty. The attorney should present you with the facts after doing a thorough investigation and let you know what challenges you would face in going to trial, but should leave the ultimate decision to you.

Trust your attorney to know which witnesses to interview and what evidence to present.  If your attorney thinks you need to hire an expert witness to present evidence, follow their advice.  Your attorney probably has developed relationships with experts in certain areas, and they will know who will best serve you in court.

Cooperate with Your Attorney
Finally, assist your attorney in any way they need you to. Stay professional and cooperative. Provide all information in a timely manner. Sign all required releases so that they can access the information they need to help you with your case. Pay your attorney on time and as agreed. Most importantly, be honest with your attorney. Your attorney is working with your best interests in mind.

This post contains excerpts from The DWI Book, the definitive guide to protecting your rights in the face of New Hampshire's tough DWI/DUI laws.

About the Author

Ryan Russman

Attorney Ryan Russman has dedicated his career to fighting for the rights of New Hampshire citizens. His practice, based in Exeter (Rockingham County) New Hampshire, is limited to cases involving DWI and DUI, other motor vehicle and criminal cases, and many cases involving personal injury. He is, however, best known as one of New Hampshire's leading legal authorities on DWI.


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