
Defining Implied Consent

Posted by Ryan Russman | Oct 28, 2013 | 0 Comments

When you drive or attempt to drive a vehicle, boat, or OHRV (Off Highway Recreational Vehicle),on any public highway or waterway, you are giving the state permission, or “consenting” to drug or alcohol tests if the police have reasonable grounds to believe you are under the influence.

Case Study 3

Posted by Ryan Russman | Oct 28, 2013 | 0 Comments

Client was charged with Aggravated DWI. He crashed his car and flipped over. The police arrived on the scene and had him perform a battery of field sobriety tests. The officer determined that the observations on the HGN, Walk and Turn and One Leg Stand test indicated he was impaired. He was subsequently arrested and took a blood test that revealed a .17 Blood Alcohol Level.